
Jumps & Moves
Mastering the Axel Jump in 2024
Learn how to perfect one of the hardest ice skating moves in history, with our step-by-step guide to the legendary figure skating axel jump!

Jumps & Moves
Figure Skating Jumps Explained
Count down our top 6 figure skating jumps and explore how they're used within competitive settings!

Jumps & Moves
Figure Skating Jargon Made Easy
Brush up on your sports lingo as we countdown the top figure skating terms every skater should know!

Heath & Nutrition
How to Prevent Common Figure Skating Injuries
Learn how to prevent figure skating injuries as we explore the top ways to stay safe on the ice!

Programs & Scoring
Kurz- vs. Lang-Eiskunstlauf-Programm erklärt
Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Eiskunstlaufkenntnisse zu verbessern? Lesen Sie weiter, um alles zu erfahren, was Sie über die langen und kurzen Programme bei Eiskunstlaufwettbewerben wissen müssen.