Figure Skater wearing Chique Sport Clothing.
Jumps & Moves

Mastering the Axel Jump in 2024

Learn how to perfect one of the hardest ice skating moves in history, with our step-by-step guide to the legendary figure skating axel jump!
Figure Skater posing in Chique Sport clothing
Jumps & Moves

Figure Skating Jumps Explained

Count down our top 6 figure skating jumps and explore how they're used within competitive settings!
Figure skater stretching arms
Jumps & Moves

Figure Skating Jargon Made Easy

Brush up on your sports lingo as we countdown the top figure skating terms every skater should know!
Loena Hendrickx posing during a Chique Sport photoshoot, wearing black figure skating clothing.
Heath & Nutrition

How to Prevent Common Figure Skating Injuries

Learn how to prevent figure skating injuries as we explore the top ways to stay safe on the ice!
Figure Skating Short vs Long Program Explained
Programs & Scoring

Kurz- vs. Lang-Eiskunstlauf-Programm erklärt

Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Eiskunstlaufkenntnisse zu verbessern? Lesen Sie weiter, um alles zu erfahren, was Sie über die langen und kurzen Programme bei Eiskunstlaufwettbewerben wissen müssen.